Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Passion Spell

This spell must be done over a 3 day period on a waxing (growing) moon.

With your wand, Draw a circle starting in the South and continuing clockwise. you are now in Sacred space. Anoint your candle with the Passion Oil starting at the tip and moving toward the center. Do the same starting at the bottom and moving upward to the center. Visualize you Lover. Sprinkle some of your herbs onto the candle. Light the incense. Center and focus your mind. Light your candle and begin the spell.

Speak this spell 3 times:

Name of Person , Come to me

Seek me out, my heart’s desire

Come to me , I’ll fan the fire

No one else will enter his/her sight

Until we make love within a fortnight.

In love and lust, and with harm to none, I cast this spell

So mote it be

It shall be done.

Let the candle burn completely down. Keep it in a safe place in case you want to reverse the spell in the future.

Blessed Be!
Spell craft by Lady Storm, Proprietor of Wytchwood Cottage


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